Men’s Ministry
We gather weekly with others in our community
to have fellowship and discussion
What we do
Immanuel provides a number of activities and opportunities for men to meet each month. Please have a look at the activities and contact us for more information.
We meet every Friday morning at 9am in the Main Hall for prayer and support.
We also have 2 breakfast meetings per term. See our Newsletter for details.
Andrew Hirst heads up this work so do please contact him for more information..

Men’s Prayer
We meet each week to pray for one another and support each other.
If you are interested in meeting new people and being part of our community, please contact us on the form below.
This group meets on Friday morning at 9am each week
in the Main Hall.

Men’s Breakfast
We gather in the mornings once a term to share breakfast, have discussion and share friendship.
If you are interested in joining us for these breakfasts for the first time, please contact us using the form below.
Men’s Sheds are similar to garden sheds – a place to pursue practical interests at leisure, to practice skills and enjoy making and mending. The difference is that garden sheds and their activities are often solitary in nature while Men’s Sheds are the opposite.
They’re about social connections and friendship building, sharing skills and knowledge, and of course a lot of laughter.
We meet on Wednesday,Thursday and Friday mornings from 10am
Please contact Mick and Ron for more details.
We are affiliated to the UK Mens Sheds Association.
Get in touch.
Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to get involved with what we do with our Men’s ministry.