Penguins Parent & Toddlers Group
Meets Monday & Thursday morning 9.30 am -11.00 am
(During term times only)
What are we?
A ‘Stay and Play’ group for under 4’s with snacks, craft and singing.
We meet at Immanuel Church Southbourne, 120 Southbourne Road, BH6 3QJ on Mondays and Thursdays (during term time) between 9:30am - 11am.
The cost is £2.50 per session for two children. Bringing more than two children?…then it is 50p per extra child.
Currently there is no need to book a place, you are welcome to come along to any session that fits with your family. At your first session we will ask you to fill in an emergency contact form and by doing so, we ask you to agree to our simple rules as detailed below.
We love running Penguins for you, but there are a few things you need to know!
Help us enjoy our time together.
Your child’s safety and the way they relate to and play with other children, are your responsibility. Please intervene with your child if others are at risk of being hurt.
If another parent is concerned about something you or your child is doing, listen graciously – even if you don’t agree, or feel you have been misunderstood. Stay friends!
Appreciate the team members who are here to organise and facilitate the group, but who are also part of the group family.
Take care of and encourage your children to look after the room, the equipment and each other. Take care with hot drinks, buggies and belongings.
Please attend regularly and let us know if you do not need a place.
Above all, have fun and enjoy being together!
Contact Jill, our Penguin Supervisor on the form below: