Our Aims and Vision
We are A welcoming Church family, grounded in God, rooted in prayer and worship, nurturing faith and reaching out to others with the care and compassion of Jesus Christ.
Worshipping God
To worship God, our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord, empowered by the Holy Spirit, living a life of integrity and truth.
Sharing the Good News, Making Disciples
To share the Good News of Jesus Christ and introduce people to the love of God, encouraging a personal faith.
Strengthening our Faith
To strengthen our faith and Christian living – listening to God and allowing the Holy Spirit to enable and equip us.
Serving the Community, Impacting the World
To be Jesus to others, caring for and serving our local community and being a Kingdom influence in our nation and across the world

A place to be and belong …….
Membership at Immanuel
Thank you for expressing the desire to be a Church Member here at Immanuel Southbourne. Becoming a church member means becoming a recognised part of the worldwide family of Christians and joining together here locally to live out the Christian faith. Immanuel is a community of people who believe in God, have accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord and have been filled with the Holy Spirit.
Being part of this family encourages us in our faith as we work together to show God’s love and mercy to the community and wider world. Members are encouraged to share in the life of the local church. Most do this by participating in weekly worship, committing to prayer, taking part in its activities, contributing financially to the work of the church and attending Church Meetings.
The promises made (usually at a communion service) are:
-Minister/Elder: I ask you in the presence of God and before this congregation.
Do you confess your faith in one God Father, Son and Holy Spirit Taking the Father to be your Father, The Son to be your Saviour and Lord, the Spirit to your Helper and Guide?
Do you promise, in dependence on God’s grace, to be faithful in private and public worship, to live in the fellowship of the Church and to share in its work; And to give and serve, as God enables you, for the advancement of His Kingdom throughout the world?
Do you promise, by that same grace, to follow Jesus Christ and to seek to do and to bear His will all the days of your life?
And do you trust in Jesus Christ alone to bring you into eternal life?
Minister/Elder offers right hand of fellowship and prays.