

Prayer is at the very heart of our community at Immanuel.


Let us pray for you

We firmly believe that God answers prayer, and hears our prayers to Him. If we can pray for you in any way, please fill out this form. If you would like to remain anonymous, you do not need to add your name, email or phone number.


The Prayer Course.

We shall be following this course studying the Lord’s prayer over the next few weeks at our fortnightly house groups. If you would like to join us then please contact the office.

Join us in praying together


Ladies Prayer - Wednesdays at 9:15am

Mens Prayer - Fridays at 9:30am

Prayer Breakfast - 1st Sunday of every month 8:30am (breakfast included)

On the Hour, Every Hour - Please pray for our community during this pandemic at the start of every hour when you can.

Watch out for Thy Kingdom Come Activities during May.

The Lord’s Prayer


Prayer worship.


Prayer resource for children.


After COVID-19…


Once we are allowed, we will encourage one another to join us on prayer walks, set up a prayer market and create a prayer labyrinth on our local beach. If you’re interested in any of this, please do come and join us and contact us.