As a church we agree to support one mission a month throughout the year. During the month we hear about the work of the mission through reports and video clips and we discover how our support makes a difference. All this enables us to pray for the charity in a meaningful way.
The missions are reviewed annually.
Mission of the Month
January: Spring Harvest
We’re passionate about making spaces where all ages can encounter Jesus and be equipped for life with him. Our events and resources, in-person and online, help all people meet with God and be empowered for the spiritual adventure we’ve been called to live.
Our main event is held at Easter-time at the Butlin’s Resorts in Minehead and Skegness. For the last two years it has also been live-streamed into homes and thousands of prison cells.
February: An African Dream
An African Dream exists to educate, equip and transform the community of East Kasese.
It supports several projects in the Kasese district in Western Uganda, including St Mark’s Primary School. It also provides sustainable micro-enterprise opportunities for the local community and supports the training of local church pastors.
March: Open Doors
Every day, millions of Christians risk their lives to follow Jesus. In more than 70 countries, Open Doors supports them by supplying Bibles, providing emergency relief and helping persecuted believers stand strong for the long-term. In the UK and Ireland, Open Doors helps the church to pray, give and speak out for those who share our faith but not our freedom.
April: Moorlands College
We are committed to education of our children and young people. We support Pokesdown Junior School, St James School, Bournemouth Collegiate School and Moorlands College.
We are seeking to develop The Open Book project over the next few years. Please contact us if you want to become involved.
Moorlands College is an Evangelical Christian training college with a campus based in Sopley Dorset, and other Regional Centres.
Moorlands College exists to equip people, passionate about Jesus Christ, to impact the Church and the world.
HopeFM local
Since 2007 Hope FM has been delivering a mix of inspirational Contemporary Christian Music and uplifting programmes to the communities of Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch and beyond.
From free radio training to interactive outside broadcasts, school work experience placements to exciting volunteer opportunities – Hope FM has a place for you.
May: Men’s Hub Southbourne
The Men's 2020 Vision Hub has developed a site in Bournemouth that delivers our key purpose, which is to tackle the ever increasing challenge to men’s wellbeing by providing support and engagement.
We aim to achieve this by providing a space where men over the age of 24, can undertake recreational and skill-led activities to improve their self worth, whilst developing meaningful interactions through learning, supporting and encouraging one another.
June: Compassion
Worldwide, 356 million children live in extreme poverty.*
An estimated 1 in 6 children – or 356 million – live in extreme poverty around the world. Extreme poverty is defi ned by the international community as living below $1.90 per person per day.
Former Compassion sponsored children were more likely than their unsponsored peers to: – Stay in school for longer – Have salaried employment in their adult years – Be leaders in their communities and churches
A minimum of 80% of every £ given is used to directly benefi t children in extreme poverty. The remaining funds are used to fi nd sponsors for children in extreme poverty and for governance costs. 100% of additional child, family and project financial gifts go to the recipient.
More than 2 million children attend Compassion projects in 25 countries around the world.
“Our approach to fighting poverty is highly focused and personal. We show every child that they matter, linking them with one sponsor whose support gives them hope and a future.”
July: Leprosy Mission
Leprosy defeated, lives transformed
We are a global Christian organisation leading the fight against leprosy.
Following Jesus Christ, we seek to bring about transformation; breaking the chains of leprosy and empowering people to attain healing, dignity and life in all its fullness.
No one should suffer because of a preventable and treatable disease.
The Leprosy Mission’s Global Fellowship works in 28 countries.
We partner with governments, churches and other organisations. Most importantly, we work with people affected by leprosy to achieve our vision - leprosy defeated, lives transformed.
We fight leprosy transmission, disability and discrimination.
August: YWAM Ukraine and Jennifer and Kevin Cable
Youth with a Misson Kyiv. During the summer months YWAM is running an outreach called Wave of Hope, where teams of volunteers from around the world are rebuilding houses in the Chernigiv region. YWAM is partnering with the government and the local churches to build homes for 100 families (out of the 4000 homes that need to be rebuilt). It may feel like a drop in the ocean, but each family is so grateful.
Jennifer and Kevin Cable, Israel/ Palestine
We are working to build up the Body of Christ, and see the Church become vibrant again in this part of the world. We spend time engaging with those around us, helping to build reconciliation between peoples and to proclaim in words and action the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
September: Faithworks
Faithworks builds partnerships with churches and other organisations in the community to run practical, local projects in urban Dorset to help people to get out of and stay out of crisis.
We focus our work on those at key transition points in life: rough-sleepers, lone parents, those in material crisis (food) and debt or financial confusion, and individuals struggling with addiction.
October: Link to Hope (Shoe boxes)
Link to Hope’s aim is to combat poverty and give humanitarian aid and has special concern for the most disadvantaged. The poorest – especially people struggling to survive in poor villages that lack basic amenities. Most vulnerable – especially children and the most marginalised. Most exploited – the families and individuals who are at the mercy of authorities and circumstances that they have no control over.
Link to Hope’s is working towards its vision by supporting two particular areas of need – Education and Social Care. Our aim is to
combat poverty through education.
Immanuel collects items for shoe boxes each year and send out over 100 for this work.
November: TEAR Fund
Tearfund is a Christian charity which partners with churches in more than 50 of
the world’s poorest countries. We tackle poverty and injustice through sustainable development, by responding to disasters and challenging injustice. We believe an end to extreme poverty is possible.
Thousands of people needlessly suffer and die every day because of poverty.
But that’s not God’s plan for the world. And God is calling you – all of us – to reach out to people in greatest need. We partner with local churches and organisations who have a crucial role to play in the places worst affected by poverty.